The Toronto Republican from Toronto, Kansas (2024)

State do c*nty The Truth. No Matter Who It Helps or Hurts. VOL. XXI. NO.

5. Geo. K. Scott, Real Estate and boans. Toronto, Kansas.

Loans at lowest rate of interest. 1 have many bargains i in Kansas farme, ranches and grass lauds. Can furnish description of the best land in this part of the state. 'The best speculation for capitalists is in Kansas lands, as they are ad vaneing in value every day. If you want a SNAP write me.

WATCH THIS SPACE FOR Fob. 22, '03. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. EN Blacksmith AND Repair Shop I have in my employ one of the best Blacksmiths to be found anywhere and we guarantee all work. Bring us your horse shoeing and woodwork.

Fred Morgan. 3. KIRKPATRICK A Attorneys at-Law, Kreuger Building, Yates Center, Kansas. DR. J.

B. PAGE, DENTIST. TORONTO. KANSAS. Weeks commencing with the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.

GEO. W. LEE, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. All Calls promptly attended to. Office north side Main Street- Residence east part city known as A.

O. Bartlett's property. THE REPUBLICAN. By J. G.

BEARDSLEY. FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 1903. LOCAL MATTER. Moonlight nights.

Business very good. Bud Gillett was in town Wednes. day. Ned Caley was in Wichita this week. F.

C. Braley was at Neal Wedneaday. For cheap real estate loans call on G. K. SCOTT.

J. E. Taylor was down from the Ceuter Wednesday. TORONTO Ed Long is here ou a visit with his brother, Jim. Mr.

and Mrs. L. I. Florell are stopping at ilotel Peterson. A.

C. Kerr attended the K. of P. lodge at Neal Saturday night. The very best winter lubricating oil at Wm.

A. Rayson Co's. Four lbs high grade axle grease 250 at Wm. A. Rayson Co's.

U.S. Flour the best in town. Try it. A. C.

Kerr. Ralph Estep is expected home from Hutchinson on a visit this week Try Blanke's celebrated Exposion brand of coffee. A. C. Kerr.

J. W. Travis went to Benedict Sunday night to visit with his family. Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Buchanan made a trip to the county seat Wednesday. Sheriff Patterson was down from Yates Center Saturday evening on legal business. S.

L. Patterson attended to business chatters in this end of the county Thursday. Miss Lizzie Whiteside came up from Independence last Saturday to visit friends and relatives. Misses Minnie Sallyards and Inez Adams, from Eureka, attended the dance here Tuesday night. Tickets for the Robt.

Parker Miles lecture are now on sale at J. II. Robinson's jewelry store. Armstrongs Mellaley shipped two loads of stock from this place to the Kansas City market Sunday night. Robt.

Parker Miles, the author and lecturer, will entertain you at the Presbyterian church Saturday night, Jan. 24. Mra. L. J.

Webb came down from Parker this week for a visit with her daughter, Miss Frankie, and other relatives here. Miss Mabel Scott returned Sunday from Detroit, where she had been for several months past visiting relatives and educating herself in music. Contentment of mind is certainly a great thing: One of the few pleasures of being an editor of a newspaper is to know that you have no money to put in the bank which goes busted. It has been definitely decided to move the Neal lodge, K. of P.

to this place and the change will be made Thursday night, Jan. 29. The boys are planning for a big time that night. Hannah Penturf was born Oct 1, 1835 and departed this life Jan. 11 1903, age 68 years, 3 months and 11 days.

Was united in marriage with Daniel Hase in 1851 and moved to Kansas in 1855. To this union was born 10 children, 8 of which are still living. She joined the Christian church in early life and remained a member of the same until a few years ago when she united with the Baptist church, and lived a devoted Christian up to the time of her death and all though her late illness. She was ready to meet her God and Master. The funeral service was held at the Carlisle Chapel, conducted by Rev.

H. F. Poole, pastor of the U. B. church, and her remains were laid to rest in the Carlisle Cemetery there to wait the resurrection day.

Try Maplecane Syrup. A Strictly High Grade Article. I.G.McLaughlin. 0 TORONTO, WOODSON Messrs. A.

C. Kerr, E. F. Armstrong, N. F.

Seanlon, E. R. Shane and J. G. Beardeley were i in Yates Center Saturday night.

WANTED: Fifty delinquent sub scribers to call and pay up their arrears. Our coal shed is badly in need of repairs. Miss Christina Morilla, who been visiting relatives at Butler, for the past three weeks, returned home Monday forenoon. Mrs. G.

W. Sims went to Indiana Monday night for an extend. ed visit with her mother who she had not visited for more than five years. The dance given by the young folks at the hall Tuesday night was well attended and a good time had by all. G.

II. Lamb Was down from Yates Center Wednesday and preached the fuueral of the late J. S. Mount. Jas.

Bedigrew returned Saturday from Fredonia and Coyville where he had been looking after some im. porant business matters. Mrs. R. L.

Maxson was down from Yates Center Saturday after: noon. Her young son had fractured his collar- bone and she brought him down to have Dr. Spaulding attend him. SCHOOL NOTES. Ask Nellie Baker for the quotient of the algebrais expression (2x-7)(x.

3). The Seniors are progressing rapilly in their study of literature and all seem to enjoy the study. We all wonder if Nina Starrett's jaws didn't ache Tuesday night as they were in perpetual motion all day. A young man of the high school had his arm thrown out of place one day last week. It was thrown around a young ladies waist.

The floors of the rooms and balls have been oiled. This adds greatly to the good appearence of the room but not much to the appearence of one whose feet slip. The earth's attraction for is not to be compared with the attraction a certain young inan in the Senior class has for a young lady in the Junior class. COYVILLE LOCALS. Numerous skating parties this week.

Considerable sickness in this community. "Aunt Mandy" Stevens is on the sick list this week. Andy Sisemore is visiting his parents at this place. Harrison Willoughby boarded the hog -train for Kansas City Monday. Guy Noble of Eureka is visiting his sister, Mrs.

E. W. Marr, west of town. Mrs. Minnie Brass of Yates Center is visiting her uncle, Sanford Stevens.

Rev. Rhodes will begin protracted meetings: at this point next Sunday night. Thos. Higgins and family moved last week to the Rayson farm which they recently purchased. Miss Hazel Greathouse returned Tuesday from a three weeks at Spring field Mo.

She was panied by her cousin, Miss Ethel Millikin, who will remain here all winter. Burglars entered the depot at this place last Thursday night and secured several gallons of booze and some money. Some suspicion that Carrie Nation has visited us but others entertain different ideas concerning the affir. Jealously leads up to funny things as is very easily evidenced by the following item from a Coyville correspondent in the Fredonia Herald of last week: Mr. Evans, our depot agent, will vacate this week and his place will be filled by Mr.

Young, who formerly had charge here. Mr. Evans has made some warm friends while here, who(espically one) will regre. his ure, while Mr. Young left many friends.

here (especially one) who will be glad of his return, and thus the columns of gain and loss foot up equal. REPUBLICAN. JANUARY 16, 1905. F. C.

Braley is at home this week. Clarence Wolfe is portering at Hotel Peterson. Clay Teeter transacted business at Eureka Saturday. A. C.

Kerr made a business trip to Eureka Saturday. J. J. Smith was up from Conway Springs over Sunday. Guy Afflerbaugh went east 011 the Missouri Pacific passenger Sunday evening.

Three rural mail routes after Feb. 2nd. That means extra work for Postmaster Carroll. Preaching Sunday morning and evening at the U. B.

church; prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Try this: Sow a few verbena seed in a box now, and secure well developed plants for spring gardens G. C. Kellogg resumed work on the south end Santa F'e section Mon day morning after a three weeks' lay off. Mrs.

J. W. Beardsley returned last Friday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. V. E.

Remington at La llarpe. After the infirmities of old age tightens its grip upon you, where's the real enjoyment of living to be 103 years of age? There was no preaching services at the M. E. church last. Sabbath evening owing to the coal famine which existed at that time.

Geo. S. Campbell, of Chanute, passed through here Saturday elroute to Eureka, where he had business of importance to attend to. Mr. and Mrs.

Mann, who had been here for three week's past visiting relatives and friends, left last Friday for their home at Indiahoma Okla. The smiling face of our young friend, W. P. Robertson of Coyville, was noticed among those who spent Sunday in town from a distance. Why wouldn't it be a good idea for Topeka police to nail a Bless Our llome" motto to the wall of the cell which is usually occupied by Carrie S.

C. Holmes, of the firm of Kirkpatric and Holmes, was in the City Thursday representing some of the depositors in the Toronto bank. They doubtless know as much about banks and their failures as any low firm in this section of Kansas and can come as near figuring depositors out and always get something for their clients. If Unwell. Try a 50 bottle of Herbine, notice the improvement speedily effected in your appetite, energy, strength and vigor.

Watch how it brightens the spirits, gives freedom from (indigestion and debility! Isaac Story, writes, Sept. 10: was in bad health, I had stomach trouble for 12 months, also dumb chills. Dr. J. W.

Mory preweeks. I cannot recommend it scribed Herbine, it cured me in tiro highly, it will do all you claim for it." Schaaf Co. A Marvelous Invention. Wonders never cease. A machine has been invented that will cut, paste and hang wall paper.

The field of inventions and discoveries seems to be unlimited. Notable among great discoveries is Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. It has done a world good for weak lungs and saved many a life. Thousands have nsed it and conquered grip, bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption.

Their general verdict is: the best and most reliable medicine for throat and lung troubles. Every 50e and $1 bottle is guaranteed by Schaaf druggists. published Jan 16, 1903.7 Notice of Final Settlement. STATE OF KANSAS. WOODSON COUNTY.

In the probate ss. court in and for said county. In the matter of the estate of John A. Smith, deceased. Creditors and all others interested in the aforesaid estate are hereby notifed that I shall'apply.

at the next term of the probate court. and for said county. sitting at the court house. in Yates Center, county of Woodson, state of Kansas. on the 14th day of February, A.

D. 1903. for a full and final settlement of said estate. CATHARINE SMITH, Executrix. Estate of Join A.

Smith, deceased. January 8, 1003. ESTABLISHED 1882. As an Advertising MEDIUM It Covers Its Field. COUNTY.

KANSAS, Divisi. The trust has a peculiar way That's very far from funny; A lot of men do all the work, A few get all the money. ashington Times. A. o.

U. W. supper. The Workman supper Monday night was quite a social function. After the crowd had feasted, danchading was indulged in until near midnight when they departed for their homes feeling that it was an evening well spent.

Quincy's Bank. The Quincy Bank 18 now open for business with Mr. Runyan cashier. The deposits for the first week passed the $4000 mark. is no question but that Quiney is good banking point.

A Little Blaze. The property occupied by Geo. Dyson, near the Mo. Pac. depot, caught fire Monday about noon, but was discovered and the blaze put under control before mush dam.

age was done to the building. Considerable damage was done to Mr, Dysons furniture, carpets, etc. Two Were Baptised. F. C.

Braley and J. HI. Huggins got a severe ducking at the Means ford west of town Monday night. While in the water their vehicle overturned and after some difficulty they kicked the curtains from the rig and crawled out on the ice. Their clothing and lap-robes were frozen stiff before they reached home and aside from a bad cold the boys feel little the worse for their baptismal experience.

J. W. Travis Gave Bond. J. W.

Travis, the gentleman charged by the Santa Fe officials with the destroring of their depot property here, and who was arrested and taken to the Center Saturday evening, by Sheriff Patterson, gave bonds that evening in the sum of $500 for his appearance at the county seat on the 97th, at which time his preliminary hearing will be held. The citizens of Toronto are very indignant over the stand which the Santa Fe authorities have taken against Mr. Travis and are very confident that he will ily prove his innocence. Toronto Bank Closed. The Toronto Bank closed its doors Wednesday afternoon.

The cause of the failure to open was due to excess loans and slow collections. These were the principal causes. In addition to the assets of the Bank, Mr. Dickerson will use his outside property as far as necessary in the settlement of the claims of his creditors, and no creditor will lose a dollar. He is honest and candid in the matter and with a little time will soon right matters with the depositors.

J. S. Mount Passes Away. John Smith Mount was born in Zanesville, Ohio, 4, 1825, and died in Toronto, Jan. 13, 1908, aged 77 years, 5 months and .9 days.

He moved from his birthplace to Tipton, Indiana, when about 18 rears old where he remained until the year 1882, then comto this city. He was united 10 marriage to Mary A. Van Buskirk Jan. 15, 1852, with whom he lived happily (within two days of 50 years) until his death. The result of this union was one daughter, Mrs.

Ella Crockett. Many years ago he united with the Church of Christ and remained a true and faithful member of the one body until the Master said, "Come up higher." Brother Mount was firm in his convictions of right, true to the principles he advocated, and his last words were concerning Christ and his apostles whom he honored -by word and actions. G. I- Lamb of Yates Center was here this week on business. Mr.

Lamb is prominently mentioned as a candiate for congress from this district against Congressman Miller in Jeffersonian. Pausy seed sown now and well cared for, will make strong plants for early spring setting. Year if paid in Advance. 81.50 a Year, if deferred. REMEMBER You still have THE OPPORTUNITY To Buy Trunks, Telescopes, Easles, Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums, Window Shades, Wood Beds and Wall Paper at 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT.

Phillips Frakes. De de de Be a a de JUST IN da A car load of the celebrated U. S. and BLUE RIBBON FLOUR at die A. C.

KERR'S. Da da Every Sack Guaranteed If your FLOUR is not giving satisfaction give one of these Brands a trial. He Oe D. C. JOHNSON, President.

EDWARD CREBO, Vice President. Capital $10,000.00. The Verdigris Valley State Bank, A -Toronto, Kansas, Does a General Banking Business. Your Business Solicited. L.

H. JOHNSON, Cashier. JUNK WANTED! I will pay for the next 30 days for old Junk Heavy Cast 35e per 100 lbs. Stove Plate 25c Rubber 4c per Heavy Brass Te per Copper Te per lb. J.

A. WEBB. BROMA SHOE DONGOLA WATCH US FOR WOMEN MADE AT OUR NEW SUNLIGHT None Better. If they prove unsatisfactory return them and get a New Pair. A.

B. Sample Co. WANTED TO TRADE--My ty in Toronto for property in some other town. JEHU TRUMAN. WALL PAPER, PAINT and GLASS.

Don't fail to see me. J. T. LONG. That Persistent Tickling Cough That sticky secretion in the throat and air pussages, that sense of tightness across (or needlelike pains through) the chest--danger signals! For these conditions take Butler's White Pine Cough Syrup.

And be on the safe side. It's a remarkable cure for all throat and lung afflictions. Pleasant to take, being composed of wild cherry. white pine. baim of Gilead buds.

blood root, Customers say it acts like magic. If it don't, your money back. 50c a bottie at Frank Jackson's. llotels enjoying a good run of business. PLATTS, Photographer.

Something new in the PHOTO BUTTON..

The Toronto Republican from Toronto, Kansas (2024)


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