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9 II Le I ---7141 Vitil-94 71'111191 :6 -777177701r467-6-471r661 17114 1F711 lrlrrtIrZlrTrP''ZllqWs- Alb a-:" III 0 I ii III-n dOdd 111 a 11! 0 43) 111d 1 0 1 1 I SIN 41 8 0 I- -All I :6 Tilli I 0 al le PI ilmwatil ECTIO 4- 0 '0- 0 0 I i 0 ClIARIOTTli ime- 1 iv A ii: 0 NT l'i NI LI ii 1 LI THE LHARLOITli NEWS Monday Nov 25 1974 0 7 1 t- go iv Fairbanks Most Expensive Place To Live kis Charlotte's An Average Sort Of Place -Ngwoo Pou Joid Chat PO Eat 360 Ate 28201 Charlotte ranks tiourth among the Mut- North Carolina cities (Asheville Charlotte Durham (ireenshoro Dodo Mount Soul urn Pines Wilmington anti Winston-Salem that took part in the survey broke doml food houm: 976 heolth 915 ond miscellaneous 999 Chamber of Commec oft: here ay houing and coostruejon cost reflected by Charlotte's above averaT rating ln the survey has pushed Ih cost of lit mg here lugher the past lew years Cat Was Killed Purposely LT 1 I 1 C-' (7) I 1 1c i '--7 L- i 1 A CA I I-----s 1 1 14) 1 C-- 1 i I ---'--I I -71 -'-'4 1 Its 1'rc3- C--i' I- 0 4) I Cd xks I 7 ilz ttiz k-SCS4 I 1 11 i Jo 1 11 were gone Secure in this we all set out four children my self and four paper bags We did not know the cat had slipped out and was following behind us Then how did te happen to See hint get hit? On this night when hundreds of chi! (kin were known to be walking and running arotil te heard a car accelerate unusually II ard We turned in time to see this car purpnsely run the cat down Ile was going at such a I reacherous speed that if a child had stepped Mtn the street there was no way he could have avoided hitting him Dear THINK IT OVER: Here is a iittle irtiethm: Mink 'ere more 111- que-tain t1ln M1101Thr or not a person -a pit run Wild We liKt ItU cat A hom we loved on Ilallowen about 6 pm ien a number of childrt 4)ut trick or treatmiz Just as we do eery year we put our pet into the house keeping hi in safe from prank sters and so forth hile we Join Us Cnt something on your mind? Share it with others by writing under a pen name to Personal Chat PO Box 360 The Charlotte News Charlotte NC 28201 M4 N--7 i 1 i lks A i ii 1 rl' i I il 1 kibikn' IP: i 11111 I 1' -'1 if or vAty 1 crsoier4L'4 atioi Winston Saitm Southern Piles and Gronsipiro al ha a cot ratn thal: i1 lea(Lng list with a rating to lo5ti AlevIle Durham Rocky are chcaper to live in Mari Cuarlotte vth Wixnington which had a ol 952 the leat cxpeni For example a private ho-Tital room )46 so05() a day BI Durha S4833 in Charlime and only $43 in Wflmingtoi A onlan's shampoo and at in North Carolina from $55o in Charltie I() $342 in Wilmingion and $425 in Durham "1111 SURVEY (which coin loa(laued On Page 411 1 Nations Ford Rd-Arrowood rzrr111 to a dik A's Why No Visitors Now? By BOB WISEHAItT News Seaff cost more hve in Charlotte? Sure couparI to Abilene l'ex khere the tPical pa merit is S100 less eadt month haircuts are a dollar cheaper and you can go to a movie for 68 cents les On the 4)tiler Char-lore's prices don't seem nearly had when you take a look id Alaska where the S325 haircut you zot in Chir lotie costs S525 and you pay 71 cents a gallon for gaioline IN snow'' Charlotte is an average sort of place to live in terms of of the cost of living The latest survey of Eying costs by the American Chamber ut Coinmerce Researchers Asoc1at1on lists Charlotte 9Is1 among lIj nationwide rankcd from lowest to highest in living costs Fairbanks is at the top of the listthilene is in the Mier The index is a complex sampling that includes the cost of food housing utilities transpoLlakon health and miscellaneous prkses The chamber of Commerce in each city receives a tw4)-page form to fill out after researching and documenting prices comprises :15 Per cent of the index food 20 per cent utilties 15 per cent transportation 12 per cent health care 8 per cent and miscellany-out (seven items ranging from a man's haircut to a filth of bourbon) 19 per cent With an overall cost-otlivims index of I1n3 Charlotte is only Iifity higher Shan the nation's aVCt'a( If 100 Charlotte's cost I rankings in the six caiegories Beer Soles Permission Requested By LEONARD LAYE News Staff Writer Owners of five local apartment complexes have asked the City Council to grant special use permits enabling them to establish social clubs and sell beer to residents and their guests The requests recommended for approval hy the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning were to by consideued at the council's weekly husiness session this afternoon Applications have been filed Oil behall of the Trce Top 1 Apartments 710 Farrnhurst Dr Top 11 Apartments 825 Farmhurst Dr Klogs Creek Apartments 636 Dr: Quail Hollow Estates 7231 Quail Meadow Lane and Providence Square Apartments 5658 Landmark Dr HIE REQUESTS were mnde following an amendment to the zoning ordinance passed earlier this year allowing social clutv in multi-family projects upon isuance of special use permits Operator: of the five apartment complexes ha provided the council with information on locations Of the propocd the number of dwelbng units to be served an outline of services to be provided and the method to be used to insure only resAents and thcir ue the Cubhouses The information ha been rerewed by the planrUn om mission and State ABC Beard of f'ela is Both Tree Top club and the Cleck club are secking nermission to sell beer soft drinks pre packagd sandw ec and cigarets and instal game machines Conlinued On Page fit Col I Dear Personal Chats Why is it that SOIne neePle eau get by with allYthing? Whon had school age children the police social workes and principal of fly children's stthool just lived at my house Their vitit* Were so regular because my children vould he absent from school I ivod jn the courtroom Now I set on my sill )1' town kids ranging in age from seven to 12 who are never in schools I imagine when they do go they arc just learrin4 to he educated robbers purse snatchers and But 1 don't see any social wmtkers visit these people's home: one looiIv lii 1ht Chi liken WII0 are Ile Vet' in school 1 real) got the ruaaround because 1 Vas a widow and tried to tork and help ioo yself I lioliiL look for velfae help and run next door to beg borrow ha 1 can't stand is somebody alw1 ys Icinz borrowing and hununing tneir way through and never gelt1! they're wrong GIVEN THE RUNAROUND 'a Coo 4 4 di 014 0:00 101 41 is A 4 11 40 el 01 311 4111 A 1 ti 01 1 1 01 11: to 11 I i i I-1 11 171 1'1'1 1 II 1 0 1 isa Is is e4 61 a -tr4 lete14' 0 I 't' 1:114 I 444: I 't 't 'tA I A-- 3 TJ I Jialit g44 0 d'(''' 's6'4' 4 I al 4 0 ae r4t '4 41- MoNIRr1--- i k'7 '-14-'A' A al'IL MN fti 'i440p ill i 1 1t -0' 4 404 1 --Li I 7 ietigif 4 II "A0'---rft 44 Ad 4 St i '1)-1r 4141 Vi 1 I lt-''f "I 410'M '''f- 'S -C4" k' ds i 4'' ''i '--40t-'i'-" 'A- lidt rs qt'1'i Itr I'V 're24 idid41 -s '4'1 $''''11zti- 41-tO l' 'IV' -Pi' --41'-4-- 4'w --0 --40-i '''tikot ti-4444A 4r lot litit414 01' 01 i A 2 1 -4A zI44 Pi ttt4itso 1 44 aa it' 4t'' 4x'1'-toitolttolltot''''' r- 3-1 t4 7 44'W si 464411a- C4 4 I 3N144414 it' 4 -Nik14-: 11kf ''c--t4 kr 71 L'Aerie01 1 1 041111r0 roit 414 Lateo Ira -se: 1 e164 00' ft Or vflar'N It' pt or-1 -C016t4 1 11 ---r 1a4 4 ar I 11 44 'e rA A er -ot I '4'' '-ictlsoii' 44mt 7-wi- k- -A- 0:141 -I iA 4 '1411t-Ail' al -4-44 i il all 04 4: ---liv7 1-'') 4 A 446Naei 0 1 1 -N It) i '1' -zirf 44 i 4 A A A 1 it ot fz- -v 'c Iriugs-y rpi-" i2' 4 '6 2113 ''''r-41 A'-k Vt' LA 'et" tetA ALA( to I 44X14'4 i4t4 --4 t-- 44 43144461Cift A 4 -4k- A "INFLATION has just knocked us II a co*cked hat" chamber Execut Difectr Pruu said "One Of the stronJest things we had going for us as the lousing indtNtry and with construction and and costs goMg up so fast it just tore us An an example Prudt cAed a similar survey in Lie third quarter Of 1973 which ranked Charlotte's cost-of-living index at 994 or slightly: below average In that same sury the lionising category as LstI at 983 compared to the to47 Mg ill tile stirVey Wreck debris litters Nations Ford By MARK News Seaff Writer you're one the 4700 driv ers pIflL throug) the intersection of Nations Ford and Ar rovood Roads each day you'd better take heed highA ay of iicials say thu Lfth most dangerous Int( -rction in the gq' molt pe i he work he sad T's usu11 as z(ores aye he conLnued and nYinagenlent are Lxptcted to reunit nfgottwinns tok wternoon in an to sette the four-day old strke s-des repottd no progrt' weekend 'itks arci '1 ihe in able at 3 pm in Aht nez(olaton dre Ainv place The walkout by the grotrS store emplos es was a part tit a strike by the AFL-CI() Meat Cutters and Butchers against Colonial Stores Inc which operates 11 Big Star 104f1 stores in the Charlotte area and )0114IL-0 '14 t''' 4)c It 'ilt tt A 'A 47--illivivi----- 41 q- 1frpir 'V r047v44 "'44V 40414: 'r-" -to: 1 ow 'Aitk 41 1 'v 4a) 44' -416 A pt eitiltlttv A 11410 i 'V 4 4 1 NA ti A )1 i'lltA t4 ttit 1-- t1-404 47- 't- ii-g 31-4x34 A 4 Acie'Ilr4740 4 sItt3 44104 4 i 5i fk44 tqc: Iiith' It? 44' 241 -1- 1411161 ottilt saw this I know there are people out there who carry ownership too far and pet ontrol not tar enough And you add that children of wild pet owners are also wild My pet was well mannered and so are my children They are welcomed al any home I am stopped on the street and complimented on how they always-have a moment for the older folks Don't tel me hecause I lost a pet that I am a poor inother or iinythimi else When we speak of Gods creature4 we also speak of animals Many think they feel no pain and if they fte then good riddarwe The whole Norld would be better off if the cruel could somehow be reached If they care not tor the cc lino Of a helples animal they may not care a It about Cio-c of people either I SAW IT By Argument? amotri other thino a person humbles himself and casts aside his false prde The indiOlual himself must find Chrkt person will not find Christ while observithz two men hu1 OINIthCillaS at one another A person who says -I love the Lord- and then proceeds t4) put himself above others by sayitiLs -1Ve arc the true church- is either i liar or a fool In any case that person has not read tile ble he it kim! James Version or Revised Standard I the Lord more ea'h day and lie loves me constantly Yet I do not belont to either of the aforementioned churches Will I therefore be excluded from eternai life? Are MAN tin Luther and John Calvin languishing in hell? I think not The crucial point to be made is not ivho is right or who is wrong The point is that Christians everywhere must cease their petty doctrinal bickering and begin to seek out lost simls We cannot do this by argument I) ut only by showing others hat Christ has done for its and will do tor them Christ did not say we must belong to a certain sect to be saved Ile flid that whosoever believes Ulm will not perish but live forever in God's presence A new emmuitment is needed not to debate butt to God Assuming that certain continue to place theinsetvc above their brothers and cont tie to tiht ncl them may I make a predxtint-17 Announcing: a debate RenIved: that Christians who have had lake pride and fougly amr11 hemsdves rather than for God in the word be ext'luded from the preence of Affirmative: Christ Ne-ative: flI rebuttak SAVED RI FAITH NOT SECT mouNT HOLLY FAMILY Upkeep of Roads Rising By LEONARD LIVE News Neff Writer The inflated costs of street maintenance materials has prompted the City Council to seek a larger share of state Powell Bill funds for Charlotte The counci1 meeting hi a t)rediat sesion today to consider propoals for ii tom program informally agreed to include that request as part ot the package The coy received $33 million in Powell Bili funds for this ear That moiey comes from the state gasoline tax and is distributed to cities based on p9uiation and numbcr Of drcei "WE DON'T have enough motley today to do the thins ire allowed to do with these funds" said City Manager David A Burkhalter "A big rcason for this is in-ration on cols of materials" Toe council vt as given a report from City Public Works Directr Itobcrt Hopson hich owlincd some of the in-(ICI II oists In tile report Ilopson said inflation in the past In imaths had ret-lticed the amount of hi department can accomplAt on street maintenance available luruk Ile cited price increases of 50 per cent in plant mix asphalt 93 per ctutt in liquid asphalt and trom 65 per cent to 122 per cent On such in items as catch basin frames and manhole rings and covers Miton Short 1ho imide motion lo Cie regtict in the egislative packiige said he felt the formu Coin Iinntql On Page 411 Col I Iht! fourth major fire north of Charotte In three weeks Duke said volunteers from his depdriment and the Derita and Lonti Cref volunteer fire rtsponded ic fire a'er newhIr who lixes ne-Ir the eaed the flre depar moot re '041E2 than a iiKk from he Rd VFI) Duke said hut -the roof ead 1: rgit gnt Jere The tre ALiS all oker Ilke a Lash- 'hn a eomPletelY Find Christ Dear Peronal Chat: I LIICI to comment briefly on the dehate between thp True Lioh1 Church and the Church of Christ I do not know whether either side any particular point Neither do I know which of the debaters Nk more skirful ilut I do know which side won neither What is even more important Christ did not win I doubt if lie were even there It really saddens me when I see people determined to create further divisions in the body of Christ A debate is defined in Webster as -a ontention by words lir iiinients' and this is an academic excreke purely and simply Jesus tatelht thdt Men Witilid be Saved hy liwouh faith not by academic rehuttats This is not to say that Christianity is irrational and has nothing to do with logic On the contrary T1I aith has been strengthened immeasurably by purely rational thinking However is a person led to Christ by two purportedly Christian men haggling over scriptural passages? Is it Mit logical that non-Christians witnessing this spectaele uould find anmumilion to use against Christianity? How many pcople hit fowl t1r11P-91 ar-Itimen:" None Christi enters viler' Long Dog Shorter? Dear Personal chat: I purchased a not-dot' and later found out 1 onIy measured IL) m(hes' If y)u took a million and moi plied two inches by that you would turn up wtit a lot of meat Is this short hotilorl hp tause of the eeonomy or the recession at this time? SHORT DOG DANGEROUS Arrowood Intersection Ranks 5th In State Photo by Tom Franklin) 1h nutniw (if accAent ond nc nuntiwr kc'uces nt A1s not Zis eziy dcferw cdrea i ih cdn: rce iF area THE thing that Continued () I) Page Col I Strike Cuts Stores' Hours intersection iNewi Stall part unnt Tran-portat in use a pccial formula 0 dccr mine whe-v the most daiLleron m'erections and railroad in the hk year i includes 320 nterseetions 12 hrid2eand 31 ralroad cro-iincs said Wenn Grig alstant traffic em2incer with the department tir)-2: said oncc a locaTion pears on the it a diagram drirron That dia uram in a mhematic form how recent oc curred An engineer then takt- (ilegram to the r'TActmn and Tres 0 thue an rig proi)if thaf causinl I acederr sail If the engineer does poi an engineering problem he then make reeitinmentlationN for improvements Grigg 44aid The MeAlenn-r (nun ptarei nil te 1t ear becAu-e shArp nco(yrs in oce i 1 I ther? fiurn 197: c11-ed nite h11 by 11-R (1-partrnnt's fIrmula formula irro everi7y of accAen-- Fire Guts Lounge Cause Probed erset s1Aotti live accident in 1971 and Ihrec in 1972 last the monk tf nikhaps she: up oleia Is 44110 knd ii din! recem ircr( ise Nut has ap-cd hem red 1ag Mterseti and call for an nvet: J1 EACH YEAR ths try De mg Star and K-Mart mood stores in other parts of the Carolinas Tony Nlan(11 a htt nt lor Local 527 1 li Meat ClEteN fid Btrchur q1(-1 the Charlotte zrwery cnloyes will be affected by wha! evr Raic worker iII one hah fte othcr We're ail 1ryn2 the arrle 11in4- he qad Both and rnanagcm-1 nine' 1011N fiCsSEIL nt of Loc-ai 525 said t14- 114 pay emp eF (011(ilMed Oil I'age ti Int 2 By TER RY TAY LOR News Writer Clarlotte-area Big Star groeLry cores will close earlier week as a result of Thor- day's some An mtat cutters store clerks and cashier a management official said this morning Beginning today all lota: Star fc1 siorts will close at 6 pm of the uual 9 pm closing ime John Stewart rcual pc rsonne: manager fr-or the mood tores said The stores kiT' oiwn as usual a 9 a Ix added "WE'RE LOSING a 1)t bune- the slrik hut our helve 1tel-Locked and we offr I Irue service! bf foie with inaq By PIM News Writer A at a nerIll of Chari on a se an estimated Si01oo 1-1 today coll-Itk lire Inv' slig-los eaue et Ihe The (arrue: at 71111 Stattide RL Aa trtcd by thaI krt) sonl 'ous for htur- said tin: lir Fritz Le Fine Love Him I )pi reronal I anaerod ad 'n le c'1trlore '-umm(r a 410'2 wj i () re it 1(11-( 01 you'd zet II lit a 1 II At1211-' 12 'e dogg namt Fr: tz and I hvc t- me the (1( k-1(hA hmx t'e vLa (:11 I 11i (n't 1 er 01)e fl :011 tr' e- Wou Fritz 1 (11)12 fine and tic :01 II II el TT WAS Co 2r dc5t Ed by Ile in a veck Continucd On Page 48 Cal 4 I 6 0 1 0 J1 'P41defeIft0iA" 110 AfA Ifwft0941bOtt4004 Itowevotwvokewbow4407zowiftwthosi-4101)11140141!.
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