NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (2024)

For the longest time, players have been designing custom jump shots in NBA 2K23 based on visuals and personal experience. Any discussion of what is "best" gets marred by arguments about statistics, player preference, and a general feeling that nobody has it all figured out.

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Finally, NBA 2K23 has decided to show players the rank behind each aspect of the jump shot in the form of a grade. Now players can actually formulaically identify the best jumpers for each position. There are three height ranges; this is the custom jump shot for each.

Updated on June 27th, 2023 by Hodey Johns: Barring a strange phenomenon, it looks like all possible animations have been unlocked over the course of the in-game seasons. During the NBA year, a fresh haul of exciting in-game animations. With NBA now in the offseason and no recent animation additions, it's now the best time to design a jumper since likely nothing is coming later that could possibly improve on these already elite jump shots. The concept of shooting remains the same; gamers need a shot that ignores the defense, has a high release, is quick, and is easy to time out. This set of needs is true for guards, forwards, and big men. The standard shots, even from NBA legends, don't even come close to being as good as a custom jumper.

Under 6'5"

NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (1)


Stephen Curry

Upper Release 1

Stephen Curry

Upper Release 2

Jason Kidd

Release Speed


Animation Blending

60% - 40%

Release Height


Defense Immunity


Release Speed


Timing Impact


As though it's not enough for the short players to get all of the best playmaking badges, they've also got the highest potential for their shot. All three of the best shots have an A- in release height, the most irrelevant stat since it only prevents blocks. If the shot is that contested anyhow, it's probably not going in. Thankfully, shooters beyond the arc won't have to worry about that.

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It's possible to fiddle with this and get the A- in Timing Impact instead but nearly all gamers would rather have the A+ timing instead. The three A+ stats are a nightmare for the opposing defense. Not only does their defense count for nothing, but the shot is both instant and as easy to green as possible.

NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (2)

Pro players will be using this one for a while now. Unless it gets nerfed, it's going to be the guard's custom shot of choice for the whole year. In the right place as a shooting guard, players can even break the 100-point barrier with a shot this sweet.

Between 6'5" and 6'10"

NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (3)


Kobe Bryant

Upper Release 1

Oscar Robertson

Upper Release 2

Oscar Robertson

Release Speed


Animation Blending

50% - 50%

Release Height


Defense Immunity


Release Speed


Timing Impact


This height is already the one for the best three-point shooter build in the game. Add this as the custom jumper and it's all over for defenses who won't even have a prayer of stopping the onslaught. The only difference between this shot and the one below it is a slight decrease from an A+ to an A in timing impact.

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For the extra height, that's nothing. It's still very easy to get an excellent release on. The two most important stats, defense immunity and release speed, are both at a maximum A+ grade.

NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (4)

The fact that forwards can pick up this shot is almost absurd, especially for having about an extra five inches in physical height from the last shot. A small forward with a good team around them will lead the league in scoring without much of a contest with this custom shot.

Over 6'10"

NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (5)


Kevin Durant

Upper Release 1

Dirk Nowitzki

Upper Release 2

Dirk Nowitzki

Release Speed


Animation Blending

50% - 50%

Release Height


Defense Immunity


Release Speed


Timing Impact


Once again, there is only a single slight decrease from this shot and the shot in the smaller height bracket. Defense immunity is now "only" an A. That's still completely unheard of, especially with everything else being an A- or better.

NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (6)

If players get a career as a center in a well-suited city, they can be both the boss in the scoring column and in the defense column. It does border on unfair when getting this kind of shooting advantage that also translates to good defense and post scoring.

That's still a perfect A+ in release speed as a player up to 7'3". Being able to shoot like this as a big man makes the game feel glitched in the player's favor. It's really easy to green and there is no chance for anybody to block a shot with this custom setup and the built-in height advantage. Combined with the ideal shooting badges, this stretch big will ruin an opponent's day consistently.

NBA 2K23 is available now for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.

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NBA 2K23: Best Custom Jump Shot (2024)


What is the best hop jumper in 2k23? ›

Kyle Lowry hop jumper on 57 to 64 builds, Harrison Barnes hop jumper on 65 to 6ft 9 builds, and Kevin Durant hop jumper on 6ft 10 to 7ft 3 builds. All you want to do to do this move. is hold the right trigger in the left 64, and while you're doing that, hold the right stick down.

Do jumpshots matter in 2K23? ›

The first and most important thing when it comes to shooting better is selecting the right jump shot for your MyPlayer Build in the Custom Jump Shot Creator. The Base of your custom jump shot is one of the most important factors when it comes to greening more shots.

What is the best shot animation in 2K23 current generation? ›

The Black Mamba has one of the most balanced jump shot animations in the whole game, and the stats and extremely well-rounded. His animation is extremely smooth and gets executed at a decent height. The additional bonus of excellent defensive immunity makes the animations work well against mismatched blockers.

What is the best mode in 2K23? ›

The vote this year for the Best Franchise Mode in 2022 was a landslide. This should not be a shock to most, but our staff pick goes to NBA 2K23 MyNBA.


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