Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (2024)

Balance change suggestions from a dev's point of view. I might write more of these ideas in the future.


  • 1 Balance Changes
    • 1.1 Dart Monkey
    • 1.2 Boomerang Monkey
    • 1.3 Bomb Shooter
    • 1.4 Tack Shooter
    • 1.5 Ice Monkey
    • 1.6 Sniper Monkey
    • 1.7 Monkey Sub
    • 1.8 Monkey Buccaneer
    • 1.9 Monkey Ace
    • 1.10 Heli Pilot
    • 1.11 Mortar Monkey
    • 1.12 Dartling Gunner
    • 1.13 Wizard Monkey
    • 1.14 Super Monkey
    • 1.15 Ninja Monkey
    • 1.16 Alchemist
    • 1.17 Druid
    • 1.18 Banana Farm
    • 1.19 Spike Factory
    • 1.20 Monkey Village
    • 1.21 Engineer Monkey

Balance Changes[]

Dart Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (1) Quick Shots: $100 -> $125
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (2) Very Quick Shots: $100 -> $125
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (3) SMFC: transformation attack cooldown (0.05s -> 0.06s)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (4) SMFC: duration 15s -> 11s (PMFC: duration unaffected 15s)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (5) PMFC: transformation attack cooldown (0.025s -> 0.03s)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (6) PMFC: $45,000 -> $50,000

Dart has become a very powerful option among the highest of arenas. Dart should be a dominant early-game carry by design, however, we do want to bump up the cost of the two speed upgrades for balance. SMFC stands out as extra powerful and versatile, so we've lowered its raw strength.

Boomerang Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (7) 5-1-0 Glaive Lord: orbital now gains 0.9x attack cooldown (0.1s -> 0.09s)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (8) 5-2-0 Glaive Lord: orbital now gains 0.88x attack cooldown on top of previous upgrade (0.1s -> 0.0792s)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (9) Glaive Lord: orbital no longer gains +5 Fortified damage
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (10) Glaive Lord: main glaive deals +8 Ceramic damage and +8 MOAB-class damage
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (11) Perma Charge: cooldown 40s -> 25s
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (12) Perma Charge base damage increased from 4 to 6
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (13) 0-5-2 Perma Charge bonus Lead damage increased from +1 to +4
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (14) x-x-5 MOAB Dom: special kylie pierce no longer gains free +100 pierce (0-x-5: 300 -> 200, 1-0-5: 400 -> 300, 2-0-5: 520 -> 420)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (15) 0-x-5 MOAB Dom: special kylie explosion pierce 40 -> 25
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (16) 1-0-5 MOAB Dom: special kylie explosion pierce 40 -> 50
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (17) 2-0-5 MOAB Dom: special kylie explosion pierce remains 75

Glaive Lord has no specific Fortified weakness, making it too easy to defend whether the rushes contain Fortified or not, and Glaive Lord lacks defined crosspath variety since 5-0-2 offers a very general DPS increase and DDT specialisation. Perma Charge still lacks reason to use over the other T5 Boomerangs; a significant cooldown reduction and extra damage should prove Perma Charge worth its use as a mid-cost single-target plus cleanup hybrid. MOAB Domination is extremely middle crosspath oriented, so the pierce is exchanging into top path so the explosion could see more beefy hyperdense value.

Bomb Shooter[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (18) 1-0-2 Frag Bombs: fragment pierce increased from 1 to 2
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (19) 2-0-2 Frag Bombs: fragment pierce increased from 1 to 3
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (20) 3-0-2 Frag Bombs: fragment pierce increased from 2 to 4
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (21) 4-0-2 Frag Bombs: fragment pierce increased from 3 to 5 (502 fragment pierce remains 20)

Frag Bombs as a crosspath fails to see use as a crosspath of the higher tiers of top path, so the pierce of fragments are increasing at T3 and T4.

Tack Shooter[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (22) Long Range Tacks: $100 -> $75
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (23) Super Range Tacks: $225 -> $250
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (24) 0-1-4 Overdrive: pierce 2 -> 3
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (25) 0-2-4 Overdrive: pierce 3 -> 4
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (26) x-0-5 Tack Zone: pierce 4 -> 6
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (27) 0-1-5 Tack Zone: pierce 4 -> 9
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (28) 0-2-5 Tack Zone: pierce 10 -> 12
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (29) Tack Zone: attack cooldown reduction 0.75x -> 0.5x (+33% -> +100%)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (30) Inferno Ring: $45,500 -> $42,500

Top crosspath Overdrive is more popular than middle crosspath due to the much higher attack speed better synergizing with buffs and offering higher grouped DPS than the actual pierce crosspath. Tack Zone has a similar problem but moreso in that it fails to see much independent purpose compared to multiple buffed Overdrives.

Ice Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (31) Enhanced Freeze: freeze duration 2.2s -> 1.75s, Deep Freeze remains 2.2s

This might look like a nerf at first, but this change to x1x Enhanced Freeze subtly allows for Ice Monkey to attack bloons just after thawing, and also should improve some use cases between this and Deep Freeze.

Sniper Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (32) Sniper: base attack cooldown 1.59s -> 1.35s (xx1: 1.11s -> 0.945s, xx2: 0.778s -> 0.662s, xx3: 0.2597s -> 0.2205s, xx4: 0.1300s -> 0.1103s, xx5: 0.06493s -> 0.05513s)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (33) Deadly Precision: damage 20 -> 30
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (34) Maim MOAB: damage 30 -> 40
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (35) Cripple MOAB: damage 280 -> 350
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (36) Maim MOAB: ZOMG stun duration 0.45s -> 0.4s
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (37) 3-2-0 Deadly Precision: shrapnel damage 4 -> 6
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (38) 4-2-0 Maim: shrapnel damage 6 -> 8
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (39) Full Auto: $3800 -> $4250
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (40) Supply Drop: $5600 -> $5800

Sniper's early-game is rather lacklustre, and some of its later tiers don't carry much high damage value. Sniper will get about a +17.8% attack speed boost all across the board, but with a slight price increase to Full Auto and Supply Drop, which don't really need to be affected by previous buffs alongside the newly added base speed. Maim MOAB's ZOMG stun is keeping around similar uptime to also account for that speed bonus.

Monkey Sub[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (41) 5-2-0 Energizer: submerged Lead bonus now gains +30
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (42) Pre-Emptive Strike: pre-emptive missile damage 800 -> 1000

Pre-Emptive's missiles get heavily outscaled in late rounds; this change is aimed at the intention of hurting hoardes of DDTs a little harder. Likewise, Energizer doesn't see purpose with 5-2-0 since the Energizer already has insanely giant pierce, so purposing with a hefty Lead bonus should ideally give it some use cases for damaging DDTs.

Monkey Buccaneer[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (43) Pirate Lord: cannon attack now gains 2x faster attack speed than normal
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (44) Pirate Lord: cannon damage 2 -> 3
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (45) Pirate Lord: cannon MOAB-class damage gains +3
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (46) Pirate Lord: cannon fragment damage 1 -> 3

Pirate Lord does its job as a reliable single-target blimp takedown, but sorta lacks value as a standalone tower without the intention of buy-and-resell action.

Monkey Ace[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (47) ODS: dart base pierce 9 -> 12 (dart pierce bonus +4 -> +7)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (48) 4-0-1 ODS: dart pierce bonus +4 -> +6
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (49) Sky Shredder: dart base pierce 14 -> 20 (dart pierce bonus +5 -> +8)

Ace's ODS is usually bought exclusively for the improved anti-MOAB missiles, and its cleanup isn't spectacular and could do with a buff to the dart pierce

Heli Pilot[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (50) Downdraft: blowback pierce 1 -> 2
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (51) Downdraft: blowback Ceramic pierce penalty +1
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (52) Support Chinook: crate initial cooldown 20s -> 30s
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (53) Support Chinook: redeploy cooldown 60s -> 20s

Redeployment is one of the lesser used elements of the Chinook, and we would like to see more use of this rather than the income generation.

Mortar Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (54) Signal Flare: $700 -> $750
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (55) Signal Flare: decamo base pierce 55 -> 40
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (56) 1-0-3 Signal Flare: decamo pierce bonus gains +40
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (57) Shattering Shells: $8500 -> $10,500
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (58) Shattering Shells: MOAB-class DoT gains +10 (total: 15 per tick) (xx5 MOAB-class DoT remains +100)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (59) 2-0-4 Shattering Shells: MOAB-class DoT gains +15 (total: 23 per tick) (205 MOAB-class DoT remains +150)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (60) Blooncineration: blaze base damage 4 -> 1
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (61) 2-0-5 Blooncineration: blaze damage 5 -> 2

Mortar remains a significantly powerful damaging and support option across all stages of the game, with higher tiers of bottom path standing out as good at everything for their cost, especially without much crosspath considerations. Shattering is getting a MOAB-class DoT bonus to compensate its price increase.

Dartling Gunner[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (62) BEZ: damage type shatter -> normal
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (63) 2-0-5 BEZ: laser shock bonus damage +1 -> +8

BEZ is a heavily neglected T5 Dartling, mainly due to its inability to hit DDTs and relatively average damage for its cost. Now that it can hit DDTs with 0-2-5, the 2-0-5 will also get a makeover that would greatly increase the generalistic DPS without innate DDT-popping.

Wizard Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (64) 2-1-0: fireball damage increased by +1
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (65) 0-1-1: fireball pierce gains +5
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (66) Dragon's Breath: $3000 -> $2600
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (67) Summon Phoenix: gains Reverse Targeting button, reversing flight pattern of Phoenix
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (68) WLP: gains Reverse Targeting button, reversing flight pattern of Phoenix and WLP Lava Phoenix

Phoenix is gaining Reverse Targeting, to counter side advantages and to get some more micro viability. Fireball is also unaffected by crosspaths, even though the base fireball attack is great.

Super Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (69) Laser Blasts: $1400 -> $1200
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (70) Plasma Blasts: $2500 -> $2000
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (71) Sun Avatar: $11,500 -> $12,500
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (72) Ultravision: $1200 -> $850
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (73) Dark Knight: $4500 -> $5250

Follow-up changes to allow Plasma Blasts to be affordable as a lower-tier rather than just a crosspath, alongside Laser Blasts and Ultravision, while not so much increasing value of the Sun Avatar and Dark Knight.

Ninja Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (74) Sharp Shuriken: $200 -> $150
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (75) Double Shot: $750 -> $800

Sharp Shurikens is quite unused on most crosspaths, so some of that cost is moving into T3 Double Shot, which has good uses.


  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (76) 1-3-0 Unstable Concoction: unstable potion pierce +1 (3 -> 4)

Unstable Concoction's top path benefit is unreasonably balanced against the reliability of bottom crosspath.


  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (77) Ball Lightning: base lightning damage 1 -> 2
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (78) Superstorm: base lightning damage 3 -> 10

Basic lightning attacks from the T4 up are increasing to give a respectable DPS increase to both of them.

Banana Farm[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (79) EZ Collect: Farm sellback bonus +5% (xx2 unaffected at Farm sellback bonus +10%)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (80) EZ Collect: Nearby bananas collected immediately instead of hovering towards pointer

EZ Collect never really has purpose as a standalone upgrade, for either laziness or strategical reasoning. By adding a small sellback bonus that flows into xx2 Salvage for the full value, and improving the pickup convenience, this upgrade will be seen less as a liability.

Spike Factory[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (81) Carpet of Spikes: base pierce of main spikes and ability spikes increased from 5 to 10
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (82) 1-5-0 Carpet of Spikes: pierce of main spikes and ability spikes increased from 10 to 15
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (83) Carpet of Spikes: main spike damage increased from 3 to 6 (total MOAB-class damage: 7 -> 10)
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (84) Carpet of Spikes: ability spike bonus blimp damage decreased from +8 to +6

Carpet of Spikes is getting a few changes to improve its basic spike attack and not depend entirely on top crosspath, whereas the T4 has good use cases on both crosspaths.

Monkey Village[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (85) Bigger Radius: $400 -> $250
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (86) Grow Blocker: $250 -> $400
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (87) Radar Scanner: $1700 -> $1450

Village's Grow Blocker is an extremely cost-efficient anti-Regrow countermeasure on some map formats, so swapping the price with Bigger Radius, but as the Village is not so popular as the main source of camo detection, the Radar Scanner price is going down too.

Engineer Monkey[]

  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (88) Sentry Champion: plasma sentry damage 2 -> 3
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (89) 5-0-1 Sentry Champion: sentry pierce bonus +1 -> +2
  • Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (90) 5-0-1 Sentry Champion: sentry explosion pierce bonus +1 -> +50%

Reducing dependency on the middle crosspath Sentry Champion and allowing bottom crosspath to occupy more roles in extra pierce.

Balance change suggestions for BTDB2 4.1 (2024)


Is there a BTD7? ›

BTD7: Worlds Collide is the 7th instalment in the BTD franchise, created by Ninja Kiwi and Bloony Entertainment.

What is the best monkey in bloons Battles 2? ›

The Monkey Buccaneer plus Quincy hold enough firepower to lock down most medium-sized maps for the early game. The boats have a solid fire spread, able to take out any close-range bloons, while Quincy can handle longer-range targets.

How long have BTD battles been out? ›

Bloons TD Battles was released on December 12, 2012, and later to Android and iOS platforms in-between November 5 and 6, 2013, respectively. On April 20, 2016, it came to Steam as a ported version.

Is Bloons TD 6 dead? ›

the game has around 10,000+ actively playing at all times. it is not dead, you are just finding a lot of new players.

Is gwendolin from BTD6 a girl? ›

In games within the Bloons TD 6 Generation (except Bloons Adventure Time TD), Gwendolin generally serves as the first introduced female character, with Quincy as the first introduced male character. She always is introduced as the second named character, second to Quincy.

Does bloons have anti cheat? ›

Ninja Kiwi imposes an anti-cheat system in Bloons TD 6 to separate the players who play illegitimately from those that play legitimately.

What is the most overpowered tower in BTD6? ›

Druid Monkey is the most incredible tower in Bloons TD 6, without a doubt. The middle path druid, starting with the tier 3 "druid of the jungle" upgrade, can grab bloons anywhere on the track and individually break them down until they are nothing while popping any bloons that touch them as they go past.

What is the strongest bloon in btd? ›

Details. The BAD is also the strongest non-Boss Bloon in the game with a massive RBE of 50,720 (100,320 if fortified). It moves at the same speed as a ZOMG but is immune to any attacks or abilities that would normally hinder a ZOMG's movement.

What does DDT stand for in BTD? ›

The Dark Dirigible Titan (DDT) is a MOAB-Class Bloon that first debuted in Bloons Monkey City and has subsequently appeared in every Bloons TD game since. With the properties of Camo, Lead, Pink, and Black Bloons, the DDT is immune to Sharp, Explosive type attacks while also having the camo property.

Is there a Bloons TD Battles 3? ›

Bloons Tower Defense 3 is an online game created by Ninja Kiwi. It is the official sequel to Bloons Tower Defense 2.

Why is it called Bloons? ›

Bloon is a play/pun on the word Balloon. Beginning in Bloons TD 5, and extending to Bloons Monkey City and BTD Battles, bloons are able to spawn with two different types of abnormal statuses, Camo and Regrow.

How much will Bloons TD 7 cost? ›

Bloons Tower Defense 7: The Best of the Bloons
Bloons TD 7: The Best of the Bloons
PlatformsiOS, Android, Amazon, Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X
Release DateMay 27, 2026
Last UpdatedMay 27, 2036
Price$10.00 (iOS, Android, Amazon, Steam), $15.00 (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X)
7 more rows

Will the Bloonchipper be in BTD7? ›

The Bloonchipper returns in BTD7: Planet of the Apes, classified as a Support tower. The Bloonchipper's ability to stall MOAB-Class Bloons at the top path is ridiculously OP, and its other upgrade paths are no joke either.

Where can I play BTD7? ›

BTD7: Planet of the Apes
  • Platforms. Flash, Pringles can,assistant praystaion5 Steam, iOS, Android, Xbox One, Alarm Clock, PSP, Smart fridge.
  • Price. $394.95 on Mac OS X, Steam, and iOS, $38.99 on Xbox One, free on everything else except those linux bastards.
  • Developers. ...
  • Publishers. ...
  • Release Date. ...
  • Tracks. ...
  • Towers. ...
  • Bloons.

Is BTD7 Planet of the Apes a game? ›

BTD7: Planet of the Apes is a game in the Bloons TD series. It is a crossover of BTD6 (the official version), Meta07's BTD6, and War for the Planet of the Apes. It is classified as a hybrid of first-person-shooter and tower defense game, with some RP elements. The game runs on 60 FPS.


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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