A Fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon (2024)

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A Fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon (1)

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angličtina [en], .pdf, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 134.5MB, 📘 Kniha (populárně naučná literatura), lgli/A_fiery_peace_in_a_cold_war__Bernard_Schriever_and_the_ultimate_weapon.pdf

A Fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon 🔍

Vintage, Illustrated, 2010

Neil Sheehan 🔍


The US-Soviet arms race, told through the story of a colorful and visionary American Air Force officer — melding biography, history, world affairs, and science to transport the reader back and forth from individual drama to world stage.
"Compulsively readable and important.” — The New York Times Book Review
In this never-before-told story, Neil Sheehan—winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award -- details American Air Force officer Bernard Schriever’s quest to prevent the Soviet Union from acquiring nuclear superiority, and describes American efforts to develop the unstoppable nuclear-weapon delivery system, the intercontinental ballistic missile, the first weapons meant to deter an atomic holocaust rather than to be fired in anger.
In a sweeping narrative, Sheehan brings to life a huge cast of some of the most intriguing characters of the cold war, including the brilliant physicist John Von Neumann, and the hawkish Air Force general, Curtis LeMay.

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Includes bibliographical references (p. [501]-509) and index.

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Alternativní název

A fiery peace in a cold war : Bernard Schriever and the ultimate weapon

Alternativní autor

Sheehan, Neil

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Vintage Books

Alternativní vydání

1st Vintage Books ed., New York, New York (State), 2009

Alternativní vydání

1st Vintage books ed, New York, 2010

Alternativní vydání

October 5, 2010

Alternativní popis

From Neil Sheehan, author of the Pulitzer Prize—winning classic A Bright Shining Lie, comes this long-awaited, magnificent epic. Here is the never-before-told story of the nuclear arms race that changed history–and of the visionary American Air Force officer Bernard Schriever, who led the high-stakes effort. A Fiery Peace in a Cold War is a masterly work about Schriever’s quests to prevent the Soviet Union from acquiring nuclear superiority, to penetrate and exploit space for America, and to build the first weapons meant to deter an atomic holocaust rather than to be fired in anger.
<p>Sheehan melds biography and history, politics and science, to create a sweeping narrative that transports the reader back and forth from individual drama to world stage. The narrative takes us from Schriever’s boyhood in Texas as a six-year-old immigrant from Germany in 1917 through his apprenticeship in the open-co*ckpit biplanes of the Army Air Corps in the 1930s and his participation in battles against the Japanese in the South Pacific during the Second World War. On his return, he finds a new postwar bipolar universe dominated by the antagonism between the United States and the Soviet Union.</p>
<p>Inspired by his technological vision, Schriever sets out in 1954 to create the one class of weapons that can enforce peace with the Russians–intercontinental ballistic missiles that are unstoppable and can destroy the Soviet Union in thirty minutes. In the course of his crusade, he encounters allies and enemies among some of the most intriguing figures of the century: John von Neumann, the Hungarian-born mathematician and mathematical physicist, who was second in genius only to Einstein; Colonel Edward Hall, who created the ultimate ICBM in the Minuteman missile, and his brother, Theodore Hall, who spied for the Russians at Los Alamos and hastened their acquisition of the atomic bomb; Curtis LeMay, the bomber general who tried to exile Schriever and who lost his grip on reality, amassing enough nuclear weapons in his Strategic Air Command to destroy the entire Northern Hemisphere; and Hitler’s former rocket maker, Wernher von Braun, who along with a colorful, riding-crop-wielding Army general named John Medaris tried to steal the ICBM program.</p>
<p>The most powerful men on earth are also put into astonishing relief: Joseph Stalin, the cruel, paranoid Soviet dictator who spurred his own scientists to build him the atomic bomb with threats of death; Dwight Eisenhower, who backed the ICBM program just in time to save it from the bureaucrats; Nikita Khrushchev, who brought the world to the edge of nuclear catastrophe during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and John Kennedy, who saved it.</p>
<p>Schriever and his comrades endured the heartbreak of watching missiles explode on the launching pads at Cape Canaveral and savored the triumph of seeing them soar into space. In the end, they accomplished more than achieving a fiery peace in a cold war. Their missiles became the vehicles that opened space for America.</p>

Alternativní popis

Chronicles the mid-twentieth-century effort to prevent the Soviet Union from acquiring nuclear superiority, in an account that describes the pivotal contributions of Bernard Schriever, Eisenhower, and Stalin.

Alternativní popis

The author, Neil Sheehan, describes the U.S.--Soviet arms race through the story of the colorful and visionary American Air Force officer Bernard Schriever

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.